Italian Intensive Courses

🎉 Buongiorno! Get ready for the ultimate linguistic boost with my mind-blowing Intensive Italian Courses! 🇮🇹💥

🚀 Are you ready to skyrocket your Italian skills in record time? My Italian intensive courses are designed to turbocharge your language learning journey and give you a remarkable advantage.

Here’s why my intensive course is the secret weapon to becoming an Italian language maestro:

1️⃣ Rapid Progress

With my course, you’ll experience an accelerated learning curve like never before.

I’ve distilled the essence of the Italian language into concentrated bursts of knowledge, ensuring that you absorb and retain information at lightning speed.

Prepare to witness jaw-dropping progress as you conquer new levels of fluency in weeks rather than months.

Would you like to experience a taste of Italian learning?

Simply head to my free 10-lesson Italian crash course.

2️⃣ Total Immersion

Immerse yourself fully in the Italian language and culture. My intensive course creates an environment where Italian becomes your second nature.

From the moment you step into the classroom until the end of the day, you’ll be enveloped in Italian conversations, activities, and cultural experiences.

This 24/7 immersion helps you build confidence, enhance your comprehension, and master the nuances of the language.

3️⃣ Focused Learning

In my course, every minute counts. I’ve meticulously crafted a curriculum that covers the most essential aspects of Italian, eliminating unnecessary fluff.

I, as your expert instructor, will guide you through a carefully structured syllabus, targeting key grammar concepts, vocabulary, and practical conversation skills. No time is wasted, ensuring every moment is spent on impactful learning.

4️⃣ Constant Practice

My intensive course provides ample opportunities for continuous practice. Through interactive activities, dynamic discussions, and engaging exercises, you’ll have countless chances to apply your newfound language skills.

Practice makes perfect, and my intensive course offers a supportive environment where you can refine your pronunciation, grammar, and overall communication skills.

5️⃣ Immersive Cultural Experiences

My intensive course not only focuses on language but also immerses you in the rich tapestry of Italian culture.

From exploring famous landmarks to participating in traditional festivities, you’ll experience Italy firsthand.

These cultural encounters will deepen your understanding of the language and enhance your ability to connect with native speakers.

6️⃣ Lasting Results

The concentrated nature of my intensive course leaves a lasting impact on your language proficiency.

The intensive learning environment stimulates your brain, boosting memory retention and reinforcing linguistic patterns.

You’ll emerge from the course with a solid foundation, ready to continue your Italian language journey with confidence and ease.

How many Lessons?

For an individual course, I recommend 90-minute sessions twice a week for four weeks to complete one level.

For a group, 90-minute sessions 3 times a week to complete the level.

Of course, the unbeatable advantage in comparison to the inflexibility of traditional language schools, is that you can customize the course according to your preferences, taking as many lessons as you like.

Price For An Individual Intensive Course

For the individual course, a 1-to-1 live lesson, the standard fee is 48€ per lesson.

Price For An Intensive Course in a Group

The pricing depends on the number of participants.

  • For a small class (3-5 students) the fee is 18€ per lesson.
  • For a larger class (more than 6 students) the fee is 12€ per lesson

Contact me to inquire about the availability of a group course that matches your level and meets your specific needs

Trial Lesson

Not fully convinced yet? Why not experience it first-hand with a trial lesson?

Give yourself the opportunity to explore the course and see its benefits in action. I invite you to join us for a trial lesson, where you can immerse yourself in the Italian learning journey and witness the value it brings.

Take this chance to make an informed decision and embark on a rewarding language adventure!


🚀 Don’t miss out on the transformative power of my intensive Italian course. Fast-track your language learning, embrace the joy of fluency, and unlock a world of opportunities.

Reserve your spot now and prepare to amaze yourself with your newfound Italian skills!

💃 It’s time to embark on an intensive adventure that will leave you astonished by your own linguistic prowess.

Join me for an immersive experience where your Italian dreams become a reality! 🇮🇹💥