Lesson 3: Basic Vocabulary and Nouns

🎉 Welcome to Lesson 3 of your Italian crash course! In this lesson, we’ll be expanding your vocabulary and exploring the world of nouns in Italian. Let’s dive right in!

Building Vocabulary: Colors, Family Members, Animals, and Common Objects

To start off, let’s learn some essential vocabulary words in Italian. Here are a few categories we’ll cover:


  • Red: rosso
  • Blue: blu
  • Yellow: giallo
  • Green: verde
  • Pink: rosa
  • Orange: arancione
  • Purple: viola
  • Brown: marrone
  • Black: nero
  • White: bianco

Family Members

  • Mother: madre
  • Father: padre
  • Sister: sorella
  • Brother: fratello
  • Son: figlio
  • Daughter: figlia
  • Grandmother: nonna
  • Grandfather: nonno


  • Dog: cane
  • Cat: gatto
  • Bird: uccello
  • Elephant: elefante
  • Lion: leone
  • Tiger: tigre
  • Monkey: scimmia
  • Rabbit: coniglio
  • Dolphin: delfino
  • Turtle: tartaruga

Common Objects

  • Table: tavolo
  • Chair: sedia
  • Car: macchina
  • Book: libro
  • Pen: penna
  • Phone: telefono
  • Clock: orologio
  • Bag: borsa
  • Shoes: scarpe
  • Hat: cappello

💡 Practice using these words in sentences and expand your vocabulary further!

Nouns, Gender, and Number Agreement

In Italian, nouns have a gender (masculine or feminine) and must agree in number (singular or plural) with other elements in the sentence. Let’s see some examples:

  • The red table: il tavolo rosso (masculine singular)
  • The blue chairs: le sedie blu (feminine plural)
  • A yellow car: una macchina gialla (feminine singular)
  • Two black cats: due gatti neri (masculine plural)

🚩 Notice how the articles (il, le, una, due) and adjectives (rosso, blu, gialla, neri) change based on the gender and number of the nouns.

Using Definite and Indefinite Articles

Definite and indefinite articles are used to indicate whether a noun is specific or non-specific. Here are the forms of articles in Italian:

  • The (masculine singular): il
  • The (feminine singular): la
  • The (masculine plural): i
  • The (feminine plural): le
  • A/An (masculine singular): un
  • A/An (feminine singular): una
  • Some (masculine plural): dei
  • Some (feminine plural): delle

🌟 Let’s practice using articles with nouns. For example, “I have a book.” would be “Ho un libro.” or “The chairs are red.” would be “Le sedie sono rosse.”

🎉 Congratulations! You’ve completed Lesson 3 of your Italian course. You’ve expanded your vocabulary, learned about noun gender and number agreement, and how to use definite and indefinite articles. Keep practicing these skills, and you’ll become a master of Italian nouns in no time! Buon lavoro! 👏