Ciao a tutti! In today’s lesson, we’re going to dive into the world of numbers, time, and daily routines in Italian. So grab your caffeinated beverage of choice ☕️ and let’s get started!
You can find the complete series of my free Italian crash course clicking the link.
Numbers from 0 to 100: Counting, Telling Time, and Expressing Age
Numbers are the building blocks of language, and in Italian, they are molto importante! Let’s start with counting from 0 to 100. 🙌
Number | Italian | Number | Italian | Number | Italian |
0 | zero | 34 | trentaquattro | 68 | sessantotto |
1 | uno | 35 | trentacinque | 69 | sessantanove |
2 | due | 36 | trentasei | 70 | settanta |
3 | tre | 37 | trentasette | 71 | settantuno |
4 | quattro | 38 | trentotto | 72 | settantadue |
5 | cinque | 39 | trentanove | 73 | settantatré |
6 | sei | 40 | quaranta | 74 | settantaquattro |
7 | sette | 41 | quarantuno | 75 | settantacinque |
8 | otto | 42 | quarantadue | 76 | settantasei |
9 | nove | 43 | quarantatré | 77 | settantasette |
10 | dieci | 44 | quarantaquattro | 78 | settantotto |
11 | undici | 45 | quarantacinque | 79 | settantanove |
12 | dodici | 46 | quarantasei | 80 | ottanta |
13 | tredici | 47 | quarantasette | 81 | ottantuno |
14 | quattordici | 48 | quarantotto | 82 | ottantadue |
15 | quindici | 49 | quarantanove | 83 | ottantatré |
16 | sedici | 50 | cinquanta | 84 | ottantaquattro |
17 | diciassette | 51 | cinquantuno | 85 | ottantacinque |
18 | diciotto | 52 | cinquantadue | 86 | ottantasei |
19 | diciannove | 53 | cinquantatré | 87 | ottantasette |
20 | venti | 54 | cinquantaquattro | 88 | ottantotto |
21 | ventuno | 55 | cinquantacinque | 89 | ottantanove |
22 | ventidue | 56 | cinquantasei | 90 | novanta |
23 | ventitré | 57 | cinquantasette | 91 | novantuno |
24 | ventiquattro | 58 | cinquantotto | 92 | novantadue |
25 | venticinque | 59 | cinquantanove | 93 | novantatré |
26 | ventisei | 60 | sessanta | 94 | novantaquattro |
27 | ventisette | 61 | sessantuno | 95 | novantacinque |
28 | ventotto | 62 | sessantadue | 96 | novantasei |
29 | ventinove | 63 | sessantatré | 97 | novantasette |
30 | trenta | 64 | sessantaquattro | 98 | novantotto |
31 | trentuno | 65 | sessantacinque | 99 | novantanove |
32 | trentadue | 66 | sessantasei | 100 | cento |
33 | trentatré | 67 | sessantasette |
🤔 Let’s practice using these numbers in different contexts. For example, if you want to say your age, you can say, “Ho venti anni!” (I am 20 years old!) or “Ho trentaquattro anni!” (I am 34 years old!). Now, let’s move on to time.
Days of the Week, Months, and Seasons
To talk about time, we need to know the days of the week, months, and seasons. Here they are:
Days of the Week
- Monday: lunedì
- Tuesday: martedì
- Wednesday: mercoledì
- Thursday: giovedì
- Friday: venerdì
- Saturday: sabato
- Sunday: domenica
- January: gennaio
- February: febbraio
- March: marzo
- April: aprile
- May: maggio
- June: giugno
- July: luglio
- August: agosto
- September: settembre
- October: ottobre
- November: novembre
- December: dicembre
- Spring: primavera
- Summer: estate
- Autumn/Fall: autunno
- Winter: inverno
💭 Now let’s practice using these words in sentences. For example, “Vado al cinema venerdì!” (I’m going to the cinema on Friday!) or “Mi piace l’estate perché posso andare in spiaggia.” (I like summer because I can go to the beach.)
Talking about Daily Routines and Activities
To express your daily routine or talk about activities, we need some useful verbs. Here are a few common ones:
- To wake up: svegliarsi 😴
- To eat breakfast: fare colazione 🍳
- To go to work: andare al lavoro 🚗
- To have lunch: pranzare 🍽️
- To take a nap: fare un pisolino 😴💤
- To have dinner: cenare 🍽️
- To go to bed: andare a letto 🛌
🌞 Let’s put these verbs into action! For example, “Mi sveglio alle sette.” (I wake up at seven.) or “Vado a letto tardi perché mi piace guardare film.” (I go to bed late because I enjoy watching movies.)
🎉 Bravo! You’ve completed Lesson 3 of your Italian course. You’ve learned how to count, tell time, express your age, talk about days, months, and seasons, and discuss daily routines and activities. Keep practicing these skills, and you’ll become a pro in no time! A presto! 👋 🎉 Bravo! You’ve completed Lesson 3 of your Italian course. You’ve learned how to count, tell time, express your age, talk about days, months, and seasons, and discuss daily routines and activities. Keep practicing these skills, and you’ll become a pro in no time! A presto! 👋