10 Italian Words You Won't Believe Exist!

  • Monday, Jan 22, 2024

Ciao, amici! Today, we’re diving into the wild and wacky world of the Italian language.

Prepare to be amazed and amused as we explore ten Italian words that will leave you scratching your head and rolling on the floor laughing.

From quirky expressions to tongue-twisting terms, here are some linguistic gems that you won’t believe are real!

1. Pappagallo (Parrot) 🦜

Imagine strolling through the picturesque streets of Rome when suddenly, you spot a parrot perched on a lamppost. You turn to your Italian friend and say, Guarda! Un pappagallo!

But wait, don’t stop there! For an added twist, try saying it ten times fast. 🐦 Pappagallo, pappagallo, pappagallo… you get the idea!

2. Scappellotto (Whack on the Head) 💥

Ever had that moment when you just want to give someone a gentle whack on the head?

Well, in Italy, they have a word for it: scappellotto!

The next time your friend says something silly, you can jokingly threaten them, Sei fortunato che non ti do uno scappellotto! (You are lucky that I don’t give you a little whack on the head)

3. Pasticcino (Little Pastry) 🥐

Who doesn’t love indulging in sweet treats? Italians have perfected the art of pastries, and they even have an adorable word for them: pasticcini.

So, the next time you find yourself in an Italian bakery, don’t hesitate to say, Vorrei un pasticcino, per favore! The only challenge will be choosing just one!

4. Ciabatta (Slipper) 👣

Slip into something more comfortable with the Italian word ciabatta, which means slipper.

Now, imagine this scenario: You’re hosting a formal dinner, and your fancy-shmancy shoes start to pinch your toes. You discreetly slip them off and nonchalantly say to your guests, Mi scuso, but my ciabatte are much more comfortable!

Pay attention to not get confused, as ciabatta is also a kind of bread, long and quite flat.

5. Porca miseria! (Oh, darn!) 🐷😱

When you accidentally spill your morning coffee or stub your toe on the corner of the table, it’s time to unleash your inner Italian.

Italians have a way with expressing frustration, and one of their go-to phrases is Porca miseria! Trust me, it feels good to say it, even if you don’t know what it means. Just make sure your boss isn’t within earshot!

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6. Zanzara (Mosquito) 🦟

Picture yourself on a romantic gondola ride in Venice when suddenly, a mosquito decides to join the party. In a panic, you turn to your partner and yell, Aiuto! Una zanzara! And just like that, the moment turns from dreamy to itchy.

7. Gattara (Cat Lady) 🐱👵

Move over, crazy cat lady; it’s time to meet the gattara! In Italy, this word is used to describe a woman who has a deep affection for cats.

So, if you find yourself surrounded by feline friends, proudly announce, Sono una gattara felice! (I am a happy cat lady!)

8. Vespa (Wasp) 🛵

When you think of Vespa, the iconic Italian scooter comes to mind.

But did you know that Vespa also means wasp? It’s a word with a double buzz!

So, the next time you spot a pesky wasp in your garden, you can exclaim, Ah, ecco una vespa! Ma senza due ruote! (Ah, here’s a vespa! But without two wheels!)

9. Brontolone (Grumpy person) 😠

We all know someone who tends to be a bit grumpy from time to time. In Italian, you can affectionately refer to them as a brontolone.

Just make sure to say it with a cheeky smile to avoid any grumpy encounters!

10. Ciccione (Chubby) 😅

Last but not least, we have ciccione, a word to describe someone who’s a bit on the chubby side. Remember, it’s all about context and being light-hearted when using this term.

So, if you find yourself indulging in a delightful gelato, embrace your inner Italian and proudly say, Sono un po’ ciccione, ma felice! (I’m a bit chubby, but happy!)


There you have it, amici! Ten Italian words that prove just how wonderfully quirky language can be.

So, the next time you find yourself conversing with an Italian or exploring the beautiful country, don’t be shy to sprinkle some of these words into your conversations.

Just remember, laughter is a universal language that transcends all barriers.

Buon divertimento! Have fun!