About me

Hey there! I’m Julia Pulizzotto, but I prefer to go by my Italian alter ego: Giulia.

So, let me take you on a little journey into my world of tutoring. Here’s where I spill the beans and give you the inside scoop on my experience, all so you can feel confident in my teaching abilities.

Picture this: I was born in the enchanting city of Munich, Germany back in 1983. Growing up, I found myself immersed in a multilingual family, which probably explains why I’ve always had a burning curiosity for foreign languages and cultures. It’s like my personal background laid the groundwork for my love affair with linguistics!

As we speak (or, well, as I speak), I’m a proud native speaker of both German and Italian. I’ve got Polish down to a T, and English? Oh, I’m fluent, baby! And, you know, I can have a pretty decent conversation in French too.

Now, get this: I proudly graduated in Linguistics from the prestigious LMU University of Munich. Quite the academic feat, I must say!

2007 I start my career

But let’s fast forward a bit. My journey as a language tutor officially kicked off in 2007. That’s when I first stepped foot into those hallowed halls of language schools in Munich, ready to bestow my linguistic wisdom upon eager students.

Can you believe it? I remember that first day vividly, like it was just yesterday. I stood there, frozen in awe, just as my students were. We were all a little scared, unsure of what was to come. Were they more intimidated by me or by the Italian language itself? It’s still a mystery!

Fast forward a few more years, and boy, have I seen a lot since then! Between 2007 and 2012, I taught at various language schools, held private courses in German and Italian, and even took charge of lively group sessions. It was during this time that I realized there was a whole world of opportunity for improvement in the realm of teaching foreign languages.

2012 I start my company

So, you know what I did? I took a leap of faith, ditched the old ways, and embarked on my own teaching adventure. It was the end of 2012 when I launched Studio NaVivo—an extraordinary project focused on one-on-one tutoring that would make waves in the world of language education. And guess what? It was a hit! Over the years, I’ve had the privilege of guiding hundreds of students from diverse backgrounds, helping them unlock their linguistic potential. I couldn’t be prouder!

2020 I go online

But wait, there’s more! 2020 rolled around, and with it came the dreaded coronavirus pandemic. But instead of letting it bring me down, I saw an opportunity to adapt and innovate. That’s when I decided to embrace the wonders of online tutoring.

I mean, who needs a physical classroom when you can teach from the comfort of your own home? And thus, italianlesson.online was born—a safe and efficient haven where language learners could thrive, all while staying cozy in their PJs.

So, there you have it! That’s a glimpse into my world as a passionate tutor. I’m here, ready to sprinkle a bit of magic into your language learning journey. Are you ready to embark on this exciting adventure together? Let’s do this!